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Winter solstice shadow

The solstice shadow

shadow area at 2am

shadow area at 5pm

daily average


Amount of shade for aclimate comfort

4500/5300 sqm

4800/5300 sqm

4800/5300 sqm


3800/5300 sqm

650/5300 sqm

2600/5300 sqm


800sqm shade in each area (1060 sqm)

Total shade on the avenue 4000/5300 sqm

boulevard cut (1).png

The shadow layer examines the impact of architecture on the boulevard.

Examination by direction and angle of the sun's rays according to the hours of the sun on the longest day of the year, the summer season 21/06 and on the shortest day of the year, the winter season 21/12.

First parameter- 
analyzing the heights of the buildings so that you get information about the sun-building encounter.

Hight Analysis

Min Hight: 24m

Max Hight: 60m

Average Hight: 42m

Second parameter-
The hours of sunshine during the shortest and longest day of the year

The solstice

Winter solstice

The solstice / June 21

Third parameter

יום ארוך.png

The day when half of the northern hemisphere faces the sun, and is exposed to sunlight for longer hours each day. More light hours and lasting longer than the other days of the year. The result: more sunlight hits the space during the day and thus more focused and smaller shadow areas are obtained because the area is brighter.

Winter solstice / December 21

The day with the fewest hours of light, and the longest night of the year. The result: less sunlight hits the space during the day and thus smoother and brighter shadow areas are obtained because the area is darker.

יום קצר.png

The solstice

Using the impact of the sun's rays on the boulevard surface to illustrate the scattering of the rays, their length and their strength. It can be seen that the sunlight is more focused, stronger and thickening

Winter solstice

Using the impact of the sun's rays on the boulevard surface to illustrate the scattering of the rays, their length and their strength. It can be seen that the sunlight more longer and less powerful.

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