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Created a planetary system based on climatic parameters.
The architecture and space are controlled by the system, which changes the composition of the boulevard in real time.

"As a model, The Stack is simultaneously a portrait of the system
we have but perhaps do not recognize
, and an antecedent of a future territory, and with both at hand, we hope to prototype the alien cosmopolitanisms these engender for us and suggest to us."

The Stack, On Software and Sovereignty, Benjamin H. Bratton / p.05

grid new.png

Total avenue 

   5300 square meters

Total distribution 

   1060 square meters


Final results

The effect of the layer in percent to create areas with a favorable climate

Shadow from sunlight

Area- 800/1060 sqm

Total - 4000/5300 sqm

75% shadow each area


Area- 450/1060 sqm

Total - 2250/5300 sqm

42% foliage each area


Heat- 5

Cold- 5

50% Cold/heat emission each area


11-16 knot

68% = 11 knot each area

Social media

Area number 3 has an average of tweets for a comfortable climatic feeling

25% of the areas


3.2 ICNIRP, 7UV- Radiation in all the areas 

43% Radiation in all the areas together

Total average parameters for creating an area defined as "Aclimate comfort"




Art in the age of the machine intelligence// 



- The Agency of Mapping Speculation, Critique and Invention//


A thousand plateaus capitalism and schizophrenia// 


The Stack On Software and Sovereignty// BENJAMIN H BRATTON

Safety, security, health and well-being

Public health and welfare


Access to clean air and provision fresh water

Any infringement on our health and security directly impacts our levels of happiness and well-being

Together apart

Adapt and adopt pre-cautionary practices so that we can safely co-exist in meaningful ways

”various hidden forces that underlie the workings of a given place. These include natural processes, such as wind and sun; historical events and local stories; economic and legislative conditions; even political interests, regulatory mechanisms and programmatic structures.“

The mapping is the portrait of the system and it is the city


The portrait is the climate with parameters like wind tree and shade


The parameters will lead to new shapes on a varying scale


Overlapping areas are new encounters that create geometry on top of geography


Geometry will lead to new parameters that are embedded in all of humanity on a varying scale.


The design horizon for each layer of this Stack must be considered in terms of both what it accomplishes as an ideal technology.

The Agency of Mapping Speculation, Critique and Invention,

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